Tomorrow is Star Wars Day!
Fans will be getting our now-traditional delivery of goodies from Lucasfilm! A new season of Visions!
Young Jedi Adventures!
A new Simpsons short!
But of course, we’re not just here to passively receive new children’s television and anime, are we? So, any plans, fans?
I don’t have some formal, regular ritual laid out every May 4th, because, I don’t know, every day is Star Wars Day for me. Going gaga over Star Wars on this one day is kind of gilding the lily for my friends and family. But I do make time to enjoy the new things and I will wear my Star Wars: The Last Jedi t-shirt, because, it’s a cool shirt and on Star Wars Day in New York, strangers will give you a tip of the hat if you’re showing your colors.
For example, a few years ago I went to the Natural History Museum with Pam and our friends on May 4th. It was a busy day, maybe a Saturday, and we bought our tickets on our phones on the way uptown. We needed a little help getting through a line or getting into some special exhibit, it was really busy, I don’t recall why it was packed, but it was the energetic, New York-y, family vibe where everyone’s just kind of turning into a part of the bloodstream and trying not to coagulate. I was wearing my The Last Jedi t-shirt, and this young man at an information desk basically waved me over, heard my confusion, looked at my inadequately bought ticket purchased over Subway wi-fi, and took pity on me. He waved me through with a “Nice shirt! May the 4th be with you!”
(One thing I love about May the 4th is that it’s a semi-holiday based on everyone agreeing to mispronounce a word.)
So, how do you celebrate? Or how do you plan to?
Do you host a marathon?
Do you pick out a movie to watch? If so, which one?
Do you wear a t-shirt? A patch? Drink from your Star Wars coffee mug? (I have four, an Empire Strikes Back, an Attack of the Clones, one with the Sith symbol from Rise of Skywalker and an Ahch-To mug.)
Are you going to sing the Life Day Song?
Do you plan on Cal Kestis-ing?
Maybe some of you will be crossing the streams and seeing Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (I will too!), the closest Marvel gets to the look and feel of Star Wars.
Are you cooking a Star Wars themed meal? Perhaps some Imperial travel biscuits?
Going to Black Spire Outpost or boarding the Halcyon?
Introducing your kids to A New Hope for the first time?
No matter what, I hope you enjoy yourself. And thanks for reading and supporting Ahch-To Baby!
I can’t wait for Visions! I’m travelling at the moment so I’ll be celebrating low key by watching the new season with a cocktail. May the 4th be with you!
No real plans. I'm not even wearing a Star Wars tee shirt. As you said, every day is Star Wars day for me.
I am looking at some of the deals with great interest, however.